Is Aaron Carter Gay? Photos Show Him Kissing Guys!
(too old to reply)
2004-07-24 04:12:34 UTC
Is Aaron Carter Gay? Photos Show Him Kissing Guys!

Two photographs have been found, one showing pop-star Aaron Carter kissing a
man, and one showing Aaron kissing a boy:
Aaron Carter Kissing a Man -
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Aaron Carter Kissing a Boy -
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Also, an unconfirmed Internet report has Aaron Carter giving "major head" to
Canadian actor Trevor Blumas and Trevor's former boyfriend Hayden Christensen
("Anakin Skywalker"/"Darth Vader" in "Star Wars II"/"Star Wars III") at a
concert party, and also spending a week together with Trevor, sometime in 2003.
Please note that the report is not verified or confirmed, and must be treated as
exactly what it is: a second-hand unconfirmed report from an Internet user, and
thus, it is reported herein for exactly what it is.

Find the entire story, and the interesting photographs, here:
Did Trevor Blumas "Date" Aaron Carter? Is Aaron Carter Gay? -

So what do you think: is Aaron Carter gay? Are any of the above photographs

Who really knows for sure, ey?
2004-07-25 22:27:56 UTC
If he is, is there anything wrong with that ???

What's wrong with homosexuality ?

Who are you to condemn him if he is gay ?

How does this change your life in any way, shape or form ?

Basically, who gives a fuck...???!

You should stop concentrating your energies on such pointless and futile

And focus on more urgent ones, like George Bush's demise from the White
House, and the end of the war on "terror".
Post by VZ
Is Aaron Carter Gay? Photos Show Him Kissing Guys!
Two photographs have been found, one showing pop-star Aaron Carter kissing a
Aaron Carter Kissing a Man -
Aaron Carter Kissing a Boy -
Also, an unconfirmed Internet report has Aaron Carter giving "major head" to
Canadian actor Trevor Blumas and Trevor's former boyfriend Hayden Christensen
("Anakin Skywalker"/"Darth Vader" in "Star Wars II"/"Star Wars III") at a
concert party, and also spending a week together with Trevor, sometime in 2003.
Please note that the report is not verified or confirmed, and must be treated as
exactly what it is: a second-hand unconfirmed report from an Internet user, and
thus, it is reported herein for exactly what it is.
Did Trevor Blumas "Date" Aaron Carter? Is Aaron Carter Gay? -
So what do you think: is Aaron Carter gay? Are any of the above photographs
Who really knows for sure, ey?